Canon Price Watch is the way to go if you want to keep up with deals on canon gear. They are up to date on what the latest deals are on camera bodies, lenses, flashes, and more. Best part is you can sign up to be alerted through email on any specific item, if that item reaches a specific price range. Not only that, but you can choose to get alerts if those deals are being offered through any combination of authorized dealers, any dealer, or used/refurbished offers. And each alert can have its own price range alert! It's so simple. It's a must use resource for getting gear.
creativeLIVE is a website that offers free workshops in a whole range of topics... as long as you watch live (Or during the rebroadcast later that day.)
This free sampling is a great way to show you what they have to offer. And while a $99-$200 lesson might seem like a lot at first glance, after learning that the first workshop I was watching was taking place for seven hours a day for three days, it was clear that it was worth it.
Improve Photography
Improve Photography is a general, all-purpose blog and podcast. The paired down gear-list helped me wrap my head around what kind of gear I should be looking at, and classes are offered with both video and direct instructor contact through the sister-site
Phlearn is a website dedicated to providing lessons on both Photoshop and Photography. They regularly update their site with both free and paid lessons. I have yet to try out any of their paid content only because I've built up a back catalog of books and video content that I need to get through first. Phlearn is high on my "Try This Next" list.
David Hobby has built up a his Strobist blog to be the place to be when it comes to lighting. It's full of tips, tricks, and DIY, and the blog has recently be revamped to make it easy to find his free Lighting 101 series and more.